Marriage in any capacity is difficult but rewarding! Marriage in the military is often entering the unknown. When you are married everything is not sunshine and rainbows, we must also think about the storm showers that may come. Some may sit and tell you that marriage is perfect, but I just don’t believe that any marriage is perfect….This is just me being honest! When me and my husband were first married, we had a learning curve. We had to learn each other as a married couple, not as the dating couple. We were now one, get it 1+1= coming together as one!!!!! Ok! Corny but I had to throw that in there!.....Anyways….during the dating phase I would get up before my husband in the morning; just so I could brush my teeth and give him a kiss, smelling like fresh peppermints. I would also try to stay up and talk all night when he was on 24-hour duty. WELL……the wife he gets today will place a nice unbrushed kiss on his lips before work and will fall asleep at the drop of a dime! Hey, I’m sure you guys do it too! LOL Most of the time he is sitting right beside me, and I fall asleep. Ha! That is just part of life, as a wife and mother amongst other things I deserve to be tired too!
When I say marriage in the military is like entering the unknown; what I mean is; as a military spouse you are unsure where the next couple of months, or years will take you. Military spouses find themselves in situations, where they are married one month, and their spouse must deploy or placed on orders to another duty station the next month. For example, my husband was selected for school in May, 90 days later he attended school, ALONG with receiving a follow-on tour to Korea for a 1-year assignment. Keep in mind we just bought a home, 4 months prior to all this madness and just getting settled in. As a spouse this was something that I had to process fast, and still be the supporting spouse for my husband. For a new military wife this can be overwhelming, with no family around, just you!
Let me tell you this…. there is not a day or moment I would change for the world. I knew when I married my husband that I would crawl through the trenches with him. YEP…. like a war movie, just with a little more glam of course! It took me time to understand that it would not be easy, but when you place GOD, LOVE, and COMMUNICATION first you are bound to conquer all. My goal for this blog is not to place doubt into anyone’s mind when it comes to being a military spouse, but just wanted to give you a small glimpse from MY perspective. I wanted to show you that you too can make it through the storms in marriage, but only TOGEATHER!!! I would love to hear about your first year of marriage experience, and how you weathered the storm. Shoot me a comment and let me know!
Remember to Live free, Laugh often, & Be Incredible!