I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, who I absolutely adore, and who are the air I breathe. Being a wife and a mother is one of the most rewarding things that God has given me, and for that I am forever grateful. My children age from 11 months to 13 years old, I can honestly say the grind is real over here in my household. I know my younger self is looking at me laughing because I have 4 children. My younger self used to look at those mothers who were switching out there beautiful handbags, for baby bags. Oh yeah or when your kids show out in public over a toy, or having snacks all over your car! Well…….. that is me.
"The daily grind for me starts by getting up at 5 in the morning and look at my phone for a minute. I then text my husband who is on his way to work and let him know, I really don’t feel like adulting today. LOL!"
Seriously….I go look in the mirror and tell myself that I have to be incredible and tackle the day ahead. BUT….I must go and get my coffee, take a sip and feel like the people in the coffee commercials. Next I head upstairs to wake up my sweet kiddos one by one, and give them some morning words of encouragement for the day. Then I go and brush my teeth (hey don’t judge me) coffee first, then teeth brushing. Ok now let’s move on, I then make myself look like a car drop off beauty queen. For me that is just making sure my clothes match, hair is combed, and a little lip gloss, and boom I am car line ready. I head back down stairs and fix the kids breakfast. Who am I kidding, the microwave does that, or a nice bowl of cereal. After playing referee it is time to take the kids to school, and I can admit at this time I ready for them to GO. So they can engage in good education of course! Once returning home I give my little busy guy some playtime/learning, when he goes down for his nap that’s when I go into tackling adult things. I will catch up on any work, emails, etc. along with answer the dreaded question from my husband. Can you guess?? What’s for dinner? I hear this maybe 15 times a day.
It is now time for the older crew to come home, and we go straight into the most important time, snack time!! This is where the kids tell me about their day, And….Ask what’s for dinner again. Then we start the homework process, they ask me for help and I have to sneak and look on Google. Hey! I’m sure some of you guys have done it also. When the hubby returns home it is time to once again be incredible, fix `dinner, activities, and go into our night routine. Bam! There you have it a day in the life. Nothing fancy, but it’s my life and I love it. I would love to hear about your incredible day in the life, so drop some comments below!
Remember as always, to Live free, Laugh often, and Be Incredible!