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Walk of a Lifetime


This blog is one that’s very special to my heart. When I was 13 years old, I lost my mother to breast cancer. My mother was and is one of the strongest individuals I know. She never allowed this disease to define her. She stood tall, fought the good fight and educated others along the way. As a young girl, I wondered how my mother could be so strong while battling this disease. I remember her saying to me, it's not about the disease, but about providing support, awareness, and education along the way.

Let me introduce to you one of my special friends Kelly Rose. Kelly has been such a big advocate in breast cancer awareness. She has made it her personal mission to spread awareness and assist in raising money for cancer research. Kelly just completed her 9th Susan G. Komen 3-Day 60 mile walk for breast cancer and I could not be any prouder of her. She gives so many hope in fighting this disease! I asked Kelly to share her breast cancer walk experience with us in her own words, and she agreed to tell her story her way!

Kelly’s open letter

As I was thinking about what I was going to write it just made my eyes water up. So here goes……

I started this journey in 2010 because a friend asked me to join her on this journey. I knew at that time I had personal family and friends’ families who dealt with this horrible disease, and I wanted to do something to help. Not long after I signed up my grandmother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. My family was surprised with the news of ovarian cancer, because everyone one else in my family had breast cancer. During this time is when I learned breast cancer and ovarian cancer came from the same gene. I have just completed my 9th Susan G. Komen 3-Day 60 mile walk for breast cancer. In this journey, I have met many amazing people and listened to some of the most awesome stories. Through the walks, I have met new friends. Some of those new friends have lost the battle against breast cancer. The 2018 Susan G. Komen walk felt different than the previous years I have walked. Cancer is nothing new for me to deal with, I have dealt with it many of times with family and close friends. I have a goal to continue to participate in this walk until there is a world without breast cancer. I have already signed up for the 2019 breast cancer walk, with the goal of one day walking in all 7 cities.

Kiesha a note to you.

As I was going through pictures from the weekend, I concluded that your mother was with me every step on the way. I met this woman on Day 1 she was an older lady and we walked together the whole weekend. But with the stories I have heard about your mother from you and your brother this woman fit her to a "T"! She made sure that I was taken care of and if I began to slow down, she slowed down with me. This lady who walked with me was caring, tender and had the most incredible heart. I know that your mom would be so proud of all the things that you and your brother have accomplished in your lives. I know that me doing this could help your family keep her memory alive by continuing to bring awareness.

I love you!!


Kelly, thank you for taking the time to pay tribute to my mother in your walk. She would love this and be honored by the fact that you are walking for those who are not able. # DOITFORPEEWEE. I hope that each and every reader is inspired and blessed by Kelly’s open letter. If you have any stories you would like to share about the breast cancer walk or cancer in general, please leave me a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

Remember to Live Free, Laugh Often, & Be Incredible


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